Saturday, June 5, 2010

6/5/2010 Holy shit, it has been awhile!

When I first started this weight loss experiment, I thought it would last a month or so.  I planned to update this blog every day.  Life got in the way.  Here we are four months later, I'm still eating as much unprocessed foods as possible and eating as much organic food as is practical (financial and geographic).  In the same span of time work has picked up (which is a very good thing) and after a 10 to 16 hour day, I can't bring myself to sit in front of the keyboard.  That's not to say that I do not have several rants queued up and ready to go, I do!  It looks like I have at least one more week of "must get it done, no mater what it takes" and then I will get back to frequent updates. 

As of Monday I am down 32.5 pounds.

After a raft of shit from friends about cutting back on beer and drinking vodka, claiming that is was the lack of beer that accounted for my weight loss, I have forsaken vodka in favor of my elixir of choice; Hop Devil.  I'm happy to report that the weight is still coming off!

This is really not a diet, it is more a decision to eat healthy, non processed foods.  If you want to drop 10 or 20 pounds and still enjoy eating and drinking, just follow these few simple guidelines:

  1. Drink a lot of water.  A decent rule of thumb is to take your weight in pounds and divide by two.  The result is the number, in ounces, that you should drink per day (water).
  2. Cut out all added sugar.  Read the label, if it contains any form of added sugar eg: Sugar, HFCS, Fructose, Sucrose, Glucose or any other "OSE" don't eat it!  Fruits and vegetables have more than enough sugar for your body, you do not need any extra.
  3. Cut out all artificial sweeteners!  This shit is worse than sugar!  Avoid it at all costs!
  4. Don't eat any food that contains an ingredient that a fourth grader would not recognize.
Below is what I had to eat today.

Breakfast:  Steel cut oatmeal with cut up apples.  Cottage cheese with Pineapple.  20 or so ounces of coffee and 16 ounces of water.

Lunch:  Grilled pork tenderloin with Jim Beam barbecue sauce (home made), iced herbal tea and a small salad with an Italian vinaigrette.

Mid Day Snack:  A banana and several pickled okra, 16 ounces of water. 

Dinner:  Toasted, sprouted, whole grain bread, smeared with home made mayo.  Sliced chicken breast, Bleu cheese and Romain lettuce.  With a health dose of Tabasco!

Beer:  Wild Devil, Hop Devil and Orval Belgian ale... Life is good!

I need to take a shower and hit the sack!  Please keep checking back, I promise I will post more often!  Until then; EAT REAL FOOD!

Thanks for reading, 

Bald Bill